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Norman Rockwell

Do you remember when we were staying in that cabin in Evergreen with my family over Christmas and we were put in the kids room with the wooden bunk beds and red flannel sheets and you answered to me in both realms?


In the deep black of the night I had that horrible nightmare where I was being chased and I called out to you in my dream, over and over and over again.


But remember? I didn’t realize that I was calling out to you in that little room as well.


It was the wildest thing.


In the portals of my mind you were running to me, and right there in the middle of the small room you crawled down into my bunk and held me the rest of the night.


I’ll never forget how your arms and legs were hanging off that bed in every direction while you snored and I smiled and held you closer.


Sometimes you are a damn Norman Rockwell, and maybe it’s just for me to remember.